Laura Kabbash, BA

Title: Clinical Psychology Resident (6th year graduate student)

Previous Degrees/Licensing/Training Obtained:

Bachelor of Arts (Tons) in Psychology at the University of British Columbia - Okanagan (UBCO). Laura has received formal and informal training throughout my degree for numerous therapeutic approaches (e.g., CBT, DBT, IPSRT).


Laura Kabbash, BA, is a fluently bilingual Montrealer who’s doctoral research is focused on barriers and facilitators to service access among individuals experiencing homelessness. Laura’s clinical interests include working with children, adolescents, and parents with a variety of mental health problems. She is currently completing her predoctoral internship at the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO) in Ottawa. In her spare time, Laura likes to box and read fantasy novels.

Select Publications:

Kabbash, L., & Ronis, S. T. (2021). Making a dent in human trafficking: investigating the effects of social institutions and policies across 60 countries. Crime, Law and Social Change, 76(3), 321-336.

Ronis, S., Kabbash, L., Gryshchuk, L., & Campbell, M.A. (2020). Youth Justice Conferences: Process and Use of Section 19 in the Youth Criminal Justice Act in New Brunswick. Canadian Department of Justice.

Cassidy, K., Kabbash, L., & Ronis, S. T. (2021). A qualitative content analysis of an online support forum for family members of individuals with reported histories of sexual offences. The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality, 30(2), 232-242.

Select Presentations:

Kabbash, L., Cassidy, K., & Ronis, S. (2021, September). “He did what?!?”: Content analysis of online support groups for family members of sex offenders. Talk presented at the Annual Convention of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (ATSA), San Antonio, TX, United States. (Virtual Presentation).

Kabbash, L., & Ronis, S. (2022, March). Problems with the village raising the child: Issues with case conferencing for youth care and potential directions for change. Poster presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence (SRA), New Orleans, LA, United States. (Virtual Presentation).

Kabbash, L., Gallant, J., Newcombe, B. (Virtual Webinar; 2022, March 18). Coping with mental health concerns: Strategies for wildland firefighters. Webinar delivered online for CIFFE.