Emma Cherry, BA

Title: Graduate Student

Previous Degrees:

Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, University of Calgary


Emma is currently a first-year Clinical Psychology student in the lab. During her last year of undergraduate study, she conducted her honours research on individual differences in physiological responses (i.e., heart rate variability and galvanic skin response) to negative mood inductions. Presently, she is working on her apprenticeship research, which is focused on the relationship satisfaction and psychological well-being of non-offending partners who have experienced past victimization. She also has a clinical and research interest in restorative justice.

Select Presentations:

Cherry, E., Cassidy, K., & Ronis, S. (October 14, 2023). Discovering skeletons in the closet: Examining non-offending partners in relationships with individuals before vs. following a sexual offense. Presented at the Canadian Sex Research Forum Annual Meeting; Montreal, QC.